Burscough Community Farm

Burscough Community Farm

Produce: Beans, tomatoes, garlic, cucumber, courgettes, squash Season: Summer Burscough Community Farm is an 18 acre “not for profit” Social Enterprise, based on a small holding near Ormskirk in West Lancashire. It was set up and is run by Neil Hickson in the fertile West Lancashire Plain – an area of rich black peaty soil that was drained in 1700s. It has with a distinct social mission of improving the health and well-being of those who are involved with the farm. Local people work on the farm in exchange for produce and they run a local veg box scheme. Neil wanted to give something back to the community and in these days of hustle and bustle, Neil says that the community who work on the farm find tranquillity and peace while producing quality vegetables. The farm attracts people with special needs, people who use farming as relaxation and families who want their children to know where food comes from. The site is run by volunteers and aims to provide space for the local community to learn about sustainable agriculture, grow their own food and promote biodiversity. The farm grows organic fruit and vegetables and has chickens, ducks and bees which provide eggs and honey. In addition, Burscough Community Farm runs educational programs and workshops to engage the local community; the farm is open to the public and visitors are welcome. The farm is off grid and uses solar panels to power its greenhouses

Almost 30 years as a customer, it's still a delight to find in our porch on Monday evenings - luscious tomatoes, deep red carrots, creamy potatoes, marvellous mushrooms, a huge cabbage, yellow beetroots - and that was just last week!

— Janet and Phil Ketteringham

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